
I am Professor of Development Economics at the Oxford Department of International Development, serving as Head of Department from 2016-2019.

I am an Official Fellow in Economics at St Cross College, Oxford, a Research Associate at the Centre for the Study of African Economies and a Fellow of the European Development Network (EUDN)

My research is primarily on the macroeconomics of low-income countries , particularly those of sub-Saharan Africa.  Recently I have worked on issues of fiscal, monetary and exchange rate policy; regional integration; public investment, debt, growth and structural change in low-income countries; and the economics and political economy of aid.

I am a Visiting Scholar at the International Monetary Fund and Lead Academic with the Oxford-LSE International Growth Centre (IGC), leading the IGC program in Tanzania from 2009-2019.

I currently serve as Associate Editor of the Oxford Review of Economic Policy and of the Journal of Development Economics.